How To Create Free Account SSH In FastSSH

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

How to Create Free SSH Account in FastSSH? For those who are already familiar with SSH (Secure Shell), possible to get or create an account ssh it is not a difficult case. Because the purchase by simply paying a premium ssh, only for $1-$3 to the seller account ssh you can get access ssh account for one month depending on the server that is purchased. Also by making ssh account, as long as it already knows the URL to create a free account, it is not a problem. Because by visiting the website of the destination, and then choose a server provided on the site and then create the account, then you can get ssh account for free.What the... this post instead directly explain the point xD. Yes, the point of this post is intended for the beginner or newbie who do not really know how to make it. So for the seniors can skip this post ...And for those who do not understand what it is SSH (Secure Shell), can see post before in "what is ssh?".

Oke, for step see be carefully in below...

  •  Visit Address
  •  Choose a server that is available in fastssh. Suppose here choose the server admin North America because it wanted to use the server Canada. Then choose "Select in North America".
  •  Then came the many choices of servers North America, there choose ssh account for Canada or "Crate SSH Canada Account".
  • “Each account valid for 3 days. Account is only allowed maximum two (2) multi-bitvise, else your connection will be automatically disconnect from the server. But we recommend using single bitvise.” As it is written, "Every account is only valid for 3 days. Accounts are only allowed a maximum of two multi-Bitvise, if violated, the connection will be disconnected automatically from the server. So we recommend using one account Bitvise." So try to use one account Bitvise course that does not disconnect and server belonging to fastssh remained stable. Okay we go, to fill in the username username you want, as well as a password. And for anti-spam in the column below, fill in the questions, ie questions belonging to the administrators here 10 × 5 = 50.
  •  After all fields have been filled in, click "Create Account" and wait for a while until the wait time to stop. Then SSH accounts-was already finished and ready to be used for each.

Okay, that's How To Create Free Account SSH In FastSSH. For how to enter account ssh to Bitvise to be searched on google if you do not understand. Also, if there are problems or problems when made, can comment below.

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