If there are those who do not understand about viabox, admin will explain in a nutshell. Viabox useful to receive shipments that we have purchased from the online store and will be sent back to us to pay shipping and applicable taxes. Since not all the world's online stores directly send the goods to us, that is why we use the services dropper for goods up to the house.
We’ll be back soon!
Sorry for the inconvenience but we’re performing some maintenance at the moment. If you need to you can always contact us, otherwise we’ll be back online shortly!
— Viabox Team
For now the site viabox.com is still maintenance. No news in more detail how the fate of the site viabox for the future. Also with the customers who use the services viabox. Maybe after this incident, that the site had been hacked viabox, dropper service users will not use the services viabox again, because the security status viabox been hacked.
If later there is the latest news about viabox were hacked, admin will be post again.
Thanks too GT for helping translating.