DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) is a site that can provide protection against an original blog content that we have in order not to be stolen by other bloggers or other persons. So with the DMCA widget content then your article will be in protection by the DMCA of content theft. Content theft in the sense not mean it can not copy and paste, but will make the thieves website content or handyman copy and paste the article is removed from the blogger.
So for the Copasser be careful when copasing articles belonging to another person who was DCMA Protection status, because it can be serious harm.
How to add DMCA Protection to Blogger
1. First Step visit
2. Next copy or pick a badge for your website. Choose the one you like...
3. Then paste the DMCA Protection embed code to blogger layout, HTML/Javacript widget.
You can register Protection Pro > Protection Badges (free) for get update dmca news in email.
Ok, that its How to Add DMCA Protection to Blogger guide by Nusa Daily. Sorry if the article is too short and less clear, because the administrators are not good at writing and arranging words so please understand.
Thanks too for GT for helping translating.