Free domain xyz from idhostinger is an offer to its customers the best of idhostinger. Only in idhostinger and for a limited time, because admin also do not know when xyz free domain promo will end, so for those seeking a free domain you can try to register the domain xyz there now before the promotion closed. While free and rarely promo like this so make xyz account that many there, xD.. even admin taught astray.
The actual price for .xyz own domain for the moment is not so expensive, only about $1 in But while there are free ones are not doing, right? xD
And there is also good news for domain search xyz, because Google uses for its domain ABC.XYZ Alphabet. Yes, expect just by using google for xyz domain, this domain could later became more famous and familiar in the eyes of society such as .com and .net domains.
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.xyz is the name of the Top Level Domain (TLD) proposed ICANN program New generic top-level domain (gTLD) and became available to the public on June 2, 2014. XYZ.COM and CentralNic a registrant for this domain.
Okay, to get XYZ Domain Free from idhostinger please visit the promo in domain-xyz-free. And did the account creation process and domain xyz order as usual.
If for instance there are questions to ask about how to get free domain xyz from idhostinger, to comment below.
Thanks too GT for helping translating...