How to Create Privacy Policy and Disclaimer

Friday, October 30, 2015 0

Confused about How to Create Privacy Policy and Disclaimer? Okay, in here admin will explain easy ways to create privacy policy and disclaimer.

For a site or blog, privacy policy and disclaimer is a page important. Because without the privacy policy and disclaimer on the blog itself, visible when the blog was less serious in managing the site. Especially if those of you who want to register your blog to Google Adsense. It is mandatory to create Privacy Policy and Disclaimer on your own blog. And also About and Contact Us to complete it.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy is a page or document that explains to visitors about how you manage the information you can from them. The bottom line here Privacy Policy describes the security guarantees the privacy of users who are currently using or visiting the blog/web. Example for Privacy Policy.


Disclaimer which means rejection / agreement / denial is a page or document that explains the approval of visitors to the blog / website of ours when they access it. Disclaimer on existing content, which explains the clauses or rules that must be approved by the website visitors. Disclaimer related to copyright, so if you have a blog / website that then there are visitors who commit crimes like that were common, namely copy and paste the content you have, then you can claim the crime. Example Disclaimer.

Admin use in here is to make a Privacy Policy and Disclaimer easily use site.

How to Create Privacy Policy Easily
  • Visit
  • Fill in the fields for the site information in the column to create a privacy policy as "Title Site, Site URL, Email Address, Use of Cookies and Advertising used" and click Generate HTML if all columns has been filled.
  • Copy Generated code and paste the HTML appearing in your privacy policy page. Privacy Policy was already completed.

How to Create Disclaimer Easily
  • Visit
  • Fill all fields in the disclaimer generators such as (Title Site, Site URL and Email Address to a disclaimer) and click "Generate Disclaimer" to start making.
  • Copy Disclaimer HTML code that appears and paste it on the your page Disclaimer. Disclaimer was already completed.

Okay, that is How to Create Privacy Policy and Disclaimer Easily by Nusa Daily. If you have any questions about this post, you can comment below.

Coupon Code $20 VPS Vultr

Thursday, October 29, 2015 0

Any here need Coupon Code to buy VPS in Vultr? Okay here admin will share about purchasing VPS Coupon Code for Vultr. Yes, quite coupon code free $20 if you buy vps there. But the unfortunate thing is that you are required to deposit in advance min $5 via paypal or credit card to get $20 bonus that. Also the coupon does not apply to payments through bitcoin and only applies to new users. :3

Read too post before:
- Listening Music Get Paid Dollar
- Buy VPS Linux Only $0.01 For First Month

Okay, if you need that coupon code, read this...
  • Register in
  • Use coupon code: SSDVPS at order purchase.

$25 = 5vps (1 core 768 MB ram) not bad for this price... :^)

Okay, that's coupon code $20 to buy vps in vultr can admin share. By the way, the first time in vultr admin buy vps coupon code when it only get a bonus of $5. So the first $5 (deposit) + $5 (coupon code) = $10. I wonder since when the bonus now be $20, so rather disappointed once too early to buy vps there. But yes what may make anyway.

If not available or expired coupon, then the coupon has exhausted its useful life. So buy vps her try now before the coupon code expired. And if anyone wants to ask about this post can be asked comment below.

Listening Music Get Paid Dollar

Thursday, October 29, 2015 0

Are you want if Listening music but get paid dollar? It's real in Musicxray, you will get paid for listening music. Depending music musicxray given to you, if for example 8 music per day, you can get $0.8. Because the rate per music admin know is $0.1. If for example there is no music that means the stock was again given a lot less, or you are not good in choosing the genre and artist, or you could say you're out of luck. XD..

What is Musicxray? Musicxray is a site that together between artists, fans and industry professionals. Yes, in musixray if you are an artist, you can join as a Music Artist and begin uploading songs you have. But because the admin never register as Music Artist here, so admin can not explain in it.

As a Music Fan, certainly things that are advantageous if you want to listen to music but instead paid for listening to music. Can make a side income from the site if the value is not how.

Okay, because admin in here not goog for stringing words, next go to the point...

How to Register Music Fan in Musicxray?
  • Visit
  • Then choose "I am a Music Fan".
  • Then choose "Sign up for free".
  • Register via SoundCloud, Facebook, Google and Yahoo if you want instant registration. Admin here suggest such registration is usually provided by musicxray. Yet later also told verif longer using Facebook. And fill in all the fields that exist ...
  • After all fields in the registration of contents, click "Create Account".
  • Then select "select fan account" because here we sign up as a fan of music.
  • Then will appear the message to connect with facebook. Click "Connect via Facebook" and then "OK" and "Use this account facebook".
  • Then go to the editing and profile. Fill in all the fields provided such as date of birth, gender, country, province, city, genre and a maximum of 5 up to 10 artists that you like and click "Save" when all fields have been filled. And the account was finished.
  • To start listening to music into the "Fan Match Inbox". And if there is music ready to be played provided by Musicxray then click play to start listening.

Okay, thats is tutorial about Listening Music Get Paid Dollar by Nusa Daily. If you have any questions about this post, you can comment below.

Buy VPS Linux Only $0.01 For First Month

Thursday, October 29, 2015 0

Yosh, after before post about How To Register and Advertise PopCash, now admin wants posting about Buy VPS Linux Only $0.01 For First Month.

Yes, not bad for the price to learn that much server. Here admin also still a novice when it comes to linux so yes arguably equally need to create learning sold XD.

Operating System: Debian
VPS Platform: OpenVZ
Number of Slices: 1
CPU Cores: 1
Memory: 1024 MB Ram
HD Space: 25 GBytes
Bandwidth: 1000Gbytes
Control Panel: none
Hostname: ZZZ
Password: ZZZ
Location: Los Angeles
Total Cost $0.01

Visit and order VPS Special in choose existing server and VPS do the order process as usual. Use Coupon Code 1CENTHOSTING to get the price of $0.01. There is also a coupon code bestdeal15 (50% Off KVM VPS), a hefty hit cut half the price.

That is how to Buy VPS Linux Only $0.01 For First Month. If there are any deficiencies or errors in the writing of the article and anyone wants talked can comment in below.

How To Register and Advertise PopCash

Thursday, October 29, 2015 0

How To Register and Advertise PopCash?
PopCash is a site-based ads network popunder CPM (Cost per mille). Which only appeared in the background of our browser only, so pages we see when it will not be disturbed by the presence of PopCash ads. If you have a blog that is crowded, no one tried to install from this CPM. But remember yes, risk gained by advertising CPM borne alone. Because usually when a blog / web mounted CPM ads that make the visitors blurred, CPM ads because it sucks, each page can continue its ad appear when clicking it on the page. Admin itself also argued that if was visiting the site, but there is a CPM ad, it no longer wanted to drop by over there. So administrators do not recommend installing CPM based advertising like this posted on the blog but different again when CPM ads on the site download like tusfiles, solidfiles etc.

How To Register and Advertise PopCash?

  • Visit and register on the site PopCash.
  • Fill in the data in the column Sign Up correctly.
  • After all the data is filled, click submit. And will be out notif "Thank you Mr. X. Your registration has been submitted. An email has been sent to ... "That means that the account has been successfully created and lived clicking the confirmation link in the email which is registered earlier.
  • To advertise popcash way, you stay logged into the account registered popcash before and after entry into Dashboard account, go to Publisher > Websites.
  • Click "Add a new website" to start adding sites.
  • Fill in all fields Add a new website like domain, category, allow or disallow adult content. Then click add the website and will be out notif "Websites submitted successfully."
  • Just waiting status "pending" changes to "Approved". And if the status has been approved, go to the Get Code. Then select your own website and click Get Code.
  • Copy the code and paste code themselves out on your own site script, paste the code themselves between the <head> - Your Script PopCash - </ head>.

Okay, thats isTutorial for "How To Register and Advertise PopCash". If you have questions about this, you can comment below.

Free Domain XYZ From IdHostinger

Thursday, October 29, 2015 0

Free domain xyz from idhostinger is an offer to its customers the best of idhostinger. Only in idhostinger and for a limited time, because admin also do not know when xyz free domain promo will end, so for those seeking a free domain you can try to register the domain xyz there now before the promotion closed. While free and rarely promo like this so make xyz account that many there, xD.. even admin taught astray.

The actual price for .xyz own domain for the moment is not so expensive, only about $1 in But while there are free ones are not doing, right? xD
And there is also good news for domain search xyz, because Google uses for its domain ABC.XYZ Alphabet. Yes, expect just by using google for xyz domain, this domain could later became more famous and familiar in the eyes of society such as .com and .net domains.

  • Do you X Generation?
    Who believe that all people can use the Internet.
  • Do you Y Generation?
    Who believe that the Internet makes life easier and help people close to friends and family.
  • Do you Z Generation?
    Who believe that the Internet can help people learn, connect with others and change the world.

 .xyz is the name of the Top Level Domain (TLD) proposed ICANN program New generic top-level domain (gTLD) and became available to the public on June 2, 2014. XYZ.COM and CentralNic a registrant for this domain.

Okay, to get XYZ Domain Free from idhostinger please visit the promo in domain-xyz-free. And did the account creation process and domain xyz order as usual.

If for instance there are questions to ask about how to get free domain xyz from idhostinger, to comment below.
Thanks too GT for helping translating...

Buy Custom Mousepad Only $0.99 Free Shipping Worldwide

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 0

Nothing else need Custom Mousepad Cheap? Here admin will share about the site to Buy Custom Mousepad Only $0.99 Free Shipping Worldwide.

Price of $ 5.99 for actually, because then use coupon code so later only pay $0.99. If you buy a custom mousepad advantage is that we can choose the image according to our wishes. For example admin anime mousepad orders here. Understandably admin anime lover here too. Haha...

For step see carefully in below...

  • First register here
  • Once complete register, go here
  • Then click "Add Image" and upload the image you want.
  • After completion of the upload and preview images have been displayed, click "Add to Cart" to the shopping process.
  • Review the mousepad yours and click "procced to Checkout".
  • On the check out page, paste the Coupon code: Z099MOUSEPADA2JC4 (Expires on 12-23-2015) and Apply. Once at the exit notif apply "Coupon / Gift Certificate Code. Special Offer: $ 0.99 for first mouse pad, an additional $ 3.99 / each with free shipping ... "And for the Billing Address her, fill in your own personal data.
  • Then just pay through paypal and wait for your mousepad got home

That's the way to Buy Custom Mousepad $ 0.99 Free Shipping Worldwide.
And there are some screenshots mousepad has orders already there.

Okay, enough up here this article. If there are not understood or no questions to ask about how to "Buy Custom Mousepad Only $0.99 Free Shipping Worldwide", can be asked through to the comments field.

How To Create Free Account SSH In FastSSH

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 0

How to Create Free SSH Account in FastSSH? For those who are already familiar with SSH (Secure Shell), possible to get or create an account ssh it is not a difficult case. Because the purchase by simply paying a premium ssh, only for $1-$3 to the seller account ssh you can get access ssh account for one month depending on the server that is purchased. Also by making ssh account, as long as it already knows the URL to create a free account, it is not a problem. Because by visiting the website of the destination, and then choose a server provided on the site and then create the account, then you can get ssh account for free.What the... this post instead directly explain the point xD. Yes, the point of this post is intended for the beginner or newbie who do not really know how to make it. So for the seniors can skip this post ...And for those who do not understand what it is SSH (Secure Shell), can see post before in "what is ssh?".

Oke, for step see be carefully in below...

  •  Visit Address
  •  Choose a server that is available in fastssh. Suppose here choose the server admin North America because it wanted to use the server Canada. Then choose "Select in North America".
  •  Then came the many choices of servers North America, there choose ssh account for Canada or "Crate SSH Canada Account".
  • “Each account valid for 3 days. Account is only allowed maximum two (2) multi-bitvise, else your connection will be automatically disconnect from the server. But we recommend using single bitvise.” As it is written, "Every account is only valid for 3 days. Accounts are only allowed a maximum of two multi-Bitvise, if violated, the connection will be disconnected automatically from the server. So we recommend using one account Bitvise." So try to use one account Bitvise course that does not disconnect and server belonging to fastssh remained stable. Okay we go, to fill in the username username you want, as well as a password. And for anti-spam in the column below, fill in the questions, ie questions belonging to the administrators here 10 × 5 = 50.
  •  After all fields have been filled in, click "Create Account" and wait for a while until the wait time to stop. Then SSH accounts-was already finished and ready to be used for each.

Okay, that's How To Create Free Account SSH In FastSSH. For how to enter account ssh to Bitvise to be searched on google if you do not understand. Also, if there are problems or problems when made, can comment below.

How to Create Google Adsense for Newbie

Thursday, October 22, 2015 0
For beginners who are just plunge into the world of Google Adsense Publisher might be confusion how to register google adsense. Actually not too difficult, just because the newbie know google adsense so not too understand. For a senior and experienced about the intricacies of google adsense can skip to this tutorial. And for those who do not understand what is google adsense and how it works can be visited in the previous post What is Google AdSense and How Does It Work?

Oke, next to step How to Create Google Adsense for Newbie...

1. You must have Google Account first. Not have a google account? Really? Or because it has been accustomed to use yahoo or others so never make a google account? For a tutorial how to create a google account can search on google.

2.  Visit for start and sign up now.

3. Next, "Sign in to your Google Account or create a new one to sign up for AdSense.

Whichever account you choose will be used to log in to your new AdSense account."

For this step, you can choose sign in if you have Google Account.

 4. After you sign in, fill field my website and content language.

5. Fill in the details carefully as the information will be used to set up your account and send your payments and after all fields has been filled, submit your application.

6. "Thank you for applying to AdSense! Your application has been submitted and is currently under review. We’ll email once your account status changes."
If there had been a notice like that, it means your account has been successfully registered and waiting for this review received.

Ok, that is How to Create Google Adsense for Newbie tutorial, for other tutorials about a second review, will be made if many request from reader, so stand by on the label google adsense.
If many mistake or fault in writing or wrong step, you can be criticized in the comments field. Thanks also to GT for helping translating.

What is Google Adsense and How Does It Work?

Wednesday, October 21, 2015 0
Google Adsense is certainly not a new case in Blogger World, moreover if that people (bloggers) is the manager of the internet network. Google Adsense presence is really helping the site owners/bloggers, because Google Adsense is benefits and dignity for blogger user who already having google adsense account on blog. Admin also try to register google adsense, but unfortunately hit the starting problems are less unique content and relevant, so admin will register it again. xD. :)

What is Google Adsense and How Does It Work?

What is Google Adsense?
"AdSense is a free, simple way to earn money by displaying targeted ads next to your online content. With AdSense, you can show relevant and engaging ads to your site visitors and even customize the look and feel of ads to match your website." thats is meaning google adsense from official site google adsense.

AdSense is an advertising partnership program through the Internet held by Google. Through AdSense advertising program, the owner of the website or blog that has been registered and approved for membership may install ad units that form and material has been determined by Google in their web pages. The owner of a website or blog will get profit sharing revenue from Google for each ad clicked by visitors to the site, which is known as a system of pay per click (PPC).In addition to providing ads with pay-per-click system, also provides a Google AdSense for search AdSense (AdSense for Search) and ad referrals (Referral). AdSense for search, web site owners can install the Google search box on their web pages. The site owner will get revenue from Google for every search conducted visitors through the search box, which continues to click on ads that are included in the search results. On referral ads, the site owner will receive an income after clicking on the ad continues with specific actions by visitors who have agreed between Google and advertisers.

By the way, Google AdSense commonly abbreviated as GA.

Term in Adsense.
Publisher or advertisement publisher is a person or web site owners who are already registered or approved by the manager of the advertising application to put AdSense ads on their sites. Publishers who publish ads google is known as google adsense publisher. Before to be google adsense publisher you must first sign up for Google Adsense and can only serve Google ads on their website after the application is approved. Each google adsense publisher is only allowed one Google Adsense account, but they are allowed to put Google ads on their sites that meet all the requirements of google adsense program.

Advertiser is like advertiser google adsense usually.

Ad Units
What is mean of Ad Units are AdSense ads themselves. Ad Units consist of several types and several sizes. The most common type of text ads. By the time a visitor clicks on an ad unit, then (if legal) advertisers will earn revenue in accordance with the CPC (Cost-Per-Click).

Link Units
Link Units it similar with Ad Units, except that the format is similar to the format of the regular menu encountered on websites. What distinguishes the Ad Link Units Units is when a visitor clicks on these ads, it will be directed on search results pages in Google's search engine. The new publisher will earn when visitors click on one ad unit on the page. In practice, Link Units proved to generate more revenue than usual Ad Units.

AdSense for Content
AdSense for Content is installed AdSense ads on a page. The ads that appear are ads related to the content of the page. Or call using contextual concept. Ad Units and Link Units are included in AdSense for Content. 

Alternate Ads 
In the AdSense for Content, advertising does not always appear. The reason is among others, could be because it's advertising inventory related to the content of the site is up or Google can not predict what the actual content of the site. If this happens, by default shown is the public service ads or commonly known as PSA (Public Service Ads). Because type of donations, so if clicked, this ad does not produce anything for the publisher. To overcome this, Google allows us to install the Alternate Ads or advertising alternatives. If Ad Units are made has been set by using Alternate Ads, so if Ad Units can not be performed, which emerges is an alternative advertising prearranged.

Channels are sort of label that can be given to the Ad Units, Link Units, AdSense for Search, and Referrals. One ad unit can have more than one label, and vice versa, one label can be used for more than one ad unit. Google AdSense on page report, the report will be grouped by Channels, so that will greatly facilitate the use of Channels publishers to analyze their AdSense performance. Generally, the publisher will give the same name Channels on ad units that exist in one site. If you want more detail, legitimate to give a different name Channels on each ad unit at each site. Remember, the maximum number of Channels allowed currently are 200 channels.

Page Impression
Page Impressions is the number that shows how many times the page containing the Ad Units visited by visitors. The value is not affected by the quantity of Ad Units in the relevant page.

Clicks is the number of clicks on Ad Units owned publisher. In the report page Google AdSense, publishers can see the total clicks get, as well as by Ad Units or Channel.

CTR (Clickthrough Rate)
CTR is the ratio in percent between the number of clicks received a Ad Units with a number of display ad Units. For example, an Ad Units are displayed 100 times and clicked 25 times has a value of CTR 25% (25: 100).

CPC (Cost Per Click)
PC is the amount of money that will be earned by the publisher when a particular Ad Units clicked. CPC values of each Ad Units vary and are determined by many factors, including the performance and quality of the site's publisher. But in general, the maximum value possible is 20% of the value of dynamic bid offered by the advertiser.

eCPM (Effective CPM)
eCPM or CPM (Cost Per Million) is the result of dividing the number of publisher revenue by the number of page impressions (per 1,000) in getting from the ads. For example, a publisher who produces $100 from 50,000 impressions CPM will have a value of $ 2 ($100 divided by 50).


AdSense program policies

All publishers are required to adhere to the following policies, so please read them carefully. If you fail to comply with these policies without permission from Google, we reserve the right to disable ad serving to your site and/or disable your AdSense account at any time. If your account is disabled, you will not be eligible for further participation in the AdSense program.
Because we may change our policies at any time, please check here often for updates. In accordance with our online Terms and Conditions, it's your responsibility to keep up to date with, and adhere to, the policies posted here. Exceptions to these policies are permitted only with authorization from Google.

For how to register google adsense will be created next time when many requests, or just search on google. And about other adsense tutorial will be continued, so standy by on the label google adsense. :)

Ok, that its about What is Google Adsense and How Does It Work?
If a lot errors in terms of writing and others could be criticized in comment...
Thanks too GT for helping translation.

How to Add DMCA Protection to Blogger

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 0

DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) is a site that can provide protection against an original blog content that we have in order not to be stolen by other bloggers or other persons. So with the DMCA widget content then your article will be in protection by the DMCA of content theft. Content theft in the sense not mean it can not copy and paste, but will make the thieves website content or handyman copy and paste the article is removed from the blogger.

So for the Copasser be careful when copasing articles belonging to another person who was DCMA Protection status, because it can be serious harm.

How to add DMCA Protection to Blogger
1. First Step visit


2. Next copy or pick a badge for your website. Choose the one you like...

3. Then paste the DMCA Protection embed code to blogger layout, HTML/Javacript widget.

You can register Protection Pro > Protection Badges (free) for get update dmca news in email.

Ok, that its How to Add DMCA Protection to Blogger guide by Nusa Daily. Sorry if the article is too short and less clear, because the administrators are not good at writing and arranging words so please understand.
 Thanks too for GT for helping translating.